Our Program

Our program offers Montessori Activities during our preschool program in the morning. This is complemented with snacks time, outside time and circle time. In the afternoon program the children have lunch, outside time and after learning through play curriculum and other activities like music, yoga, science which vary according to the day

Circle Time is part of daily activities where children learn to sit together as a group and participate in learning activities designed by the lead teacher. A typical routine includes learning about calendar, weather, holidays, cultural celebrations as well as rhymes and movements, etc

In the afternoon the center offer a variety activities such as:

Spanish which is introduced to all children daily. The goal of this activity is for kids to learn vocabulary through themes, songs, puppets, conversations and weekly classes by Spanish speakers.

Music classes once a week are designed to teach the basic fundamentals of music. Students learn about rhythm, melody, the instruments of the orchestra and basic musical symbol recognition.

Science  section is integrated into our program to provide children with understanding of the world around them. Children will be able to develop ideas and understanding of basic science concepts by using materials they like to use for play and seeing the process of change through experimentation and observation.  

Yoga classes will support children’s physical and mental development. We introduce yoga showing poses through simple story yoga making it a fun activity.

Learning through play Curriculum is important for children’s social development. Thus, they will have block, manipulative and other materials in the afternoon where they can develop fine motor skills and socialize with other children. 

  • Montessori activities, art, sensory table areas are open all day
  • Children are free to choose the activities they would like to do in different areas.
  • Music classes could change the schedule according with the teacher availability
  • Schedules  are flexible. Our priority is children spend  time outside when the weather allows us. 


Little Campus Montessori preschool believes in good nutrition for children, therefore we provide morning and afternoon snacks, based on Canada’s food guide for children. All snacks will be provided considering children with allergies.